Privacy Policy


Pumair is committed to providing a workplace that is free from any form of bullying, harassment or discriminatory behaviours.

Any action that amounts to bullying, harassment or victimisation shall be reported to Management as a matter of urgency and dealt with as a priority.

Pumair’s Management Team strive for this by:
     • Modelling and promoting appropriate standards of behaviour at all times
     • Fostering an environment where all complaints are treated in a sensitive, equitable and confidential manner
     • Protecting the parties who report events of bullying, harassment or discrimination, against victimisation.
     • Arranging appropriate assistance for any affected parties
     • Educating workers of their rights and responsibilities
     • Communicating an appropriate issue resolution process to all workers
     • Instigating necessary action against parties found to be in breach of this policy Pumair has zero tolerance for bullying, harassment and discrimination in any way, shape or form.

It is paramount that this policy be communicated to all persons working on behalf of Pumair


Pumair is committed to providing a workplace that is free from any form of violence. Pumair is committed to supporting any of its employees experiencing domestic and family violence and recognises the specific needs of people in diverse families and relationships.

This policy provides the framework to support our employees with compassion, resources, and services, with the aim of supporting their safety and continued participation in employment, and to ensure they are not disadvantaged because they are affected by domestic and family violence. Pumair will treat disclosures of domestic and family violence as confidential.

Pumair management team strive for this by:

     • Access to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
     • Counselling and advice to workers and their partners who require support for domestic and family violence situations
     • Return to work support for employees who need flexibility in working arrangements in order to deal with domestic and family violence situations
     • Special Leave entitlements to those affected.
     • Temporary arrangements tailored to suit specific needs.

Pumair is sensitive to the impact of domestic and family violence in our community and is committed to supporting our workers.


Pumair is committed to deliver their service in an environmentally responsible way, from inception to completion.

Our team is committed to prevent excessive pollution, and understands the company has a role in the protection of the environment, to the extent to which we can control it.

Pumair’s management team strive for this by:

     • Considering the needs and expectations of interested parties, and complying with all relevant statutory duties, codes, standards and contractual requirements
     • Establishing environmental objectives in alignment with project risk, and industry best practice
     • Understanding the exposure to environmental risk at each phase of a project, and implementing processes and procedures to identify, prevent, and mitigate undesirable environmental impacts
     • Applying the appropriate evaluation techniques for enhancing continual improvement, with the benefit of learnings from historical challenges

This Environmental Policy will be communicated to all Pumair employees, to ensure we collectively have an understanding of the environmental objectives of the business.


Pumair is committed to providing a workplace that is inclusive of workers without prejudice or favour based on gender, age, race, religion, political conviction, sexual orientation, industrial association, health status, disability or marital status.

Pumair’s management team strive for this by:

     • Modelling and promoting an appropriate standard of behaviour at all times
     • Abiding by the relevant anti-discrimination and equal employment legislation
     • Fostering an environment where all complaints are treated in a sensitive, equitable and confidential manner
     • Protecting parties who report events of discrimination
     • Ensuring recruitment and appointment procedures are based on the merit of the applicant relative to the roles and responsibilities of the position
     • Arranging appropriate assistance for any affected parties
     • Informing all workers of their rights and responsibilities
     • Instigating necessary action against parties found to be in breach of this policy

This Equal Opportunity Policy will be communicated to all persons employed by Pumair.


Pumair believes that the health and wellbeing of all workers is of paramount importance.

The company is committed to maintaining an environment that is considerate of this aspect and shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that workers are supported in dealing with impairment factors that may compromise their health, and workplace safety for themselves and that of other parties.

Pumair’s management team strive for this by:

     • Developing appropriate strategies and management processes
     • Conducting awareness and training sessions to educate workers on the intent of this particular policy
     • Educating workers about the factors that can cause impairment and the potential impact on a person’s fitness for work
     • Providing a network of support services that is available for all workers
     • Implementing appropriate monitoring processes as required
     • Availing flexible work arrangements to facilitate affected workers’ wellbeing

This Fitness for Work Policy will be communicated to all persons working for Pumair.


Pumair is committed to establishing a work environment and culture that promotes health and wellbeing initiatives for the benefit of all employees.

This policy provides the foundation for developing activities, accessible services, and modifying work procedures to support the health and wellbeing of all employees.

Pumair’s management team strive for this by:

     • Promoting health and wellness opportunities
     • Creating supportive workplace health and wellbeing resources
     • Consulting with employees to identify workplace health and wellbeing strategies to meet the needs of the workplace
     • Supporting employee participation in health and wellbeing activities
     • Supporting employees to adopt and maintain healthy behaviour.

This Health and Wellbeing Policy will be communicated to all Pumair employees.


Pumair is committed to the successful delivery of our services, to ensure they are fit for the intended purpose and in line with client’s expectations.

Our team understands that the continued success of Pumair, relies on the delivery of a service, which is in accordance with the agreed design and without any contingent legacies.

Pumair’s management team strive for this by:

     • Considering the needs and expectations of interested parties, and complying with all relevant statutory duties, codes, standards and contractual requirements
     • Determining the scope of all project quality processes in line with project risks and opportunities
     • Establishing quality objectives in alignment with strategic direction, project risk and industry best practice
     • Applying knowledge and leadership to project design and development, enhancing continual improvement with the benefit of the learnings from historic challenges
     • Providing the resources required to deliver high standards of craft skills
     • Ensuring that the integrity of the quality system is upheld

Pumair recognises that the delivery of our services is the individual and shared responsibility of all relevant parties.


Pumair is committed to the responsible management of all waste material that is a produced by and during the operations of our company.

Management strategies involve the efficient selection of equipment, the recycling of waste material, and the use of recycled materials where appropriate.

The Pumair team recognises that the company’s role in the protection of the environment, to the extent to which we have control, is the cornerstone of our success.

Pumair’s management team strive for this by:

     • Adopting procurement techniques targeted at recycled materials, the selection of energy efficient/ low emission equipment, and waste minimisation
     • Determining the waste management objectives for all projects
     • Monitoring the effectiveness of the waste management practices
     • Aligning resource management practices with the requirements of interested parties.

This Waste Policy will be communicated to all relevant parties.


Pumair is committed to ensuring that the health, safety and wellbeing of all workers and other parties who may be affected by our business’ activities are not compromised.

Pumair’s management team strive for this by:

     • Understanding the risk and opportunities associated with all projects
     • Establishing a safe and healthy working environment designed to prevent work related injury and ill health
     • Establishing safety objectives in alignment with strategic direction, project risk and industry best practice
     • Complying with all relevant statutory duties, regulations and codes of practice
     • Identifying the risk to the health and safety of those potentially impacted by our operations and looking to reduce such risk to as low as reasonably practicable in eliminating hazards
     • Involving all workers and subcontractors in the continuous improvement of health and safety matters through effective consultation processes
     • Providing information, instruction and training for workers to increase personal understanding of workplace hazards, and foster effective supervision
     • Delivering the support, assistance and resources to ensure an integrated rehabilitation program is provided for workers who have sustained injury or illness Health and safety is an individual and a shared responsibility of all workers and other persons involved with the construction operations. We emphasise the requirement to comply with safe work practices at all times so that no person is exposed to, or exposes others to, a health and safety risk.

Pumair recognises there is no task so important that it releases Pumair, its managers or workers from their responsibility to ensure a safe work environment.


Pumair Group is proudly Australian owned.

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